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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Happy Almost Halloween :)

With the big day for kids tomorrow here is a link for those wanting a good homemade recipe for all the little ghosts & ghouls needing face paint: http://allrecipes.com/HowTo/Homemade-Halloween-Face-Paint/Detail.aspx

Some great recipes for other theatrical ailments too, lol

Here is also a good link for safety tips when enjoying tomorrow night's festivities:  http://www.halloween-safety.com/halloween_safety_kids.html

Have fun & stay safe :)

Friday, October 29, 2010

Welcome to Mystic Nature

Hello & welcome :)

Mystic Nature is my new business that consists of all natural bath & beauty products. Items in the line consist of sugar scrubs, bath salts, lotions, body butters, masks, lip balms, etc. I will introduce these here along with beauty advice, recipes for homemade spa treats you can do at home that aren't offered in Mystic Nature along with articles I find that I feel are worth sharing. I believe everything we need can be found in nature to benefit us inside and out and I only hope that what I can offer will be of great help to everyone :)